Delivering the Future of

Dealership Communication

back40 beta launch
made for dealers,
designed for people

Productivity is not the goal of anyone within your Dealership or Auto Group, rather its a byproduct of individuals striving to reach their personal goals, to achieve recognition and take pride in their accomplishments.

However in the world of auto retailers with dozens of employees across multiple departments and hundreds of vehicles, being productive too often takes a back seat to informing others how productive you have been.

BACK40 is a Project Management Tool designed specifically for Auto Dealers that modernizes the unique internal communication challenges that cause poor customer satisfaction, employee frustration and delayed or lost revenue.

We replace current DIY or analog tools used by Dealers for communicating important information such as when a vehicle has been sold, is scheduled for delivery or needs work in the shop or detail.

All of this is done with a focus on simplicity and employee user experience.